City of Minsk Mazowiecki



An intercultural start of the summer vacation

Thanks to an invitation from Krnov, our partner city in the Czech Republic, Minsk youth took part in an international Erasmus project.

A group of students from Elementary School No. 5 along with educators Danuta Woznica and Adam Zwierz spent the last school year week in Krnov. They met their peers from European cities, visited the sights of Krnov, took part in sports competitions and visited local tourist attractions. In the international orienteering competition, our teams took all the podium places. There was singing, playing games, talking and laughing together.

Thanks to such trips, young people feel European and represent and promote our city and country in a beautiful way: singing and participating in sports recreation.

Learn more about Krnov and other partner cities of Minsk Mazowiecki in the tab: CITY-INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION-PARTNER CITIES

From the trip diary: 

"We ended the day with a walk through the charming center of Krnov."

"The trail was extremely exhausting, but the views we had the opportunity to see compensated for the pain."

"At the end of the day we took part in a discussion about the environment. We consider the day very successful."

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Urząd Miasta
Mińsk Mazowieck
ul. Konstytucji 3 Maja 1
05-300 Mińsk Mazowiecki
tel. +48 25 759 53 00, 11
fax +48 25 758 40 25


poniedziałek / wtorek / czwartek
środa 8.00-17.00
piątek 8.00-15.00

Kasa czynna jest:
poniedziałek / wtorek / czwartek
środa 8.00-15.30
piątek 8.00-15.00


Access map

Mapa dojazdu

[Map object] Mapa dojazdu do urzędu miasta w mińsku mazowieckim